Sorenson Announces Sorenson Squeeze Premium
On Monday, Sorenson Media announced the immediate availability of Sorenson Squeeze Premium for $1,995. What is it and how does it fit into the Squeeze Product family?
Sorenson already offers Squeeze Desktop, which runs on Macintosh and Windows computers and costs up to $999. You can run Squeeze Desktop via its user interface or create watch folders for encoding. At the high end, Sorenson offers Squeeze Server ($4,999 plus 18% maintenance and upgrades), which runs on Windows 7 but is best operated on Windows Server 2008 or in the cloud. In addition to a browser-based encoding interface, you can send jobs to Squeeze Server from Squeeze Desktop, as well as an application programming interface (API) and via watch folders.
Squeeze Premium sits between Desktop and Server. While it will run on Windows 7, it's been optimized for Windows Server 2008, a more robust operating system for server-level functions. You can drive the software via a user interface that's identical to Squeeze Desktop or via watch folders, but there is no API. It's targeted towards shared use via watch folders by multiple editors in a clustered editing environment. Note that all three products share the same presets, so if you've created some in Desktop you can use them in Premium.
Squeeze Premium owners also get:
- Priority technical support through an assigned account representative, with a dedicated direct phone line, email and live chat.
- One year of free product upgrades.
- A free 5GB of permanent storage on Sorenson 360, Sorenson's online video platform.
- Dollar for dollar credit for a subsequent upgrade to Squeeze Server.
Overall, Squeeze Premium will be most attractive to multiple-editor shops already running Windows Server 2008 who prefer to use Squeeze in a shared, watch-folder driven environment and who need a higher level of service.

Squeeze Premium can handle multiple edit bays via watch folders, and then encode, publish and notify for multiple devices.
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